I have always said that even one gold lesson can make a difference to your game, but in this case it was less than five minutes.
I recently had the pleasure of teaching John at the Luttrellstown Golf Academy. John has had golf lessons from numerous coaches around Ireland. John had a issue with his pitching which I was able to rectify straight away. I showed him what to change and then gave him some simple exercises to practice.
We then moved on to his driving. John had not used his driver for over 6 months as he was afraid to use it. I worked on his driving for half an hour or so and we made a lot of progress.
This is what John had to say about our golf lesson:
I’ve had many golf lessons from a lot of golf professionals around Ireland and Brendan sorted out issues with my pitching within 30 seconds. I hadn’t used a driver in nearly 9 months and after the lesson I was driving the ball an extra 70 -80 yards. I can now hit it 270 yards of the tee which is not bad for a handicap of 22. In my opinion Brendan gives the best golf lessons in Ireland.
I have given John several lessons since at Luttrellstown Golf Academy and his game continues to improve week by week and his handicap is dropping quickly.
So if you want to improve your golf, remember even one lesson can get you moving in the right direction. I also offer discounts on bundles of two, five or ten golf lessons in Luttrellstown Golf Academy or at the Carr Golf Centre in Spawell.